
Shelby Review

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Examining 2020 Presidential Election voter turnout in Western Township of Clinton charter: Precinct Clinton Township 00021

Webp dtjb3238

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Western Township of Clinton charter: Precinct Clinton Township 00021 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 1,117 of the 1,545 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 72.3% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Western Township of Clinton charter: Precinct Clinton Township 00021 reveals 48% of the total supporting Republicans, and 50.6% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 428 registered voters in Western Township of Clinton charter: Precinct Clinton Township 00021 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 1,834 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Western Township of Clinton charter: Precinct Clinton Township 00021, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Western Township of Clinton charter: Precinct Clinton Township 00021
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron Grant Arbitter01/01/199816152 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Aaron Marshall Hoban01/01/198238310 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Aaron Mikel Dayen01/01/198738884 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Abbigail Gurnicz01/01/199938009 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Abigail Teresa Mireles01/01/199938037 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Abreanna Janice Parker01/01/199215913 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Adam Jacob Youngski01/01/199416212 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Adam James Berch01/01/197938207 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Adam Norman Miller01/01/198538087 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Adriana Borgia01/01/199838411 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Adrienne Lanise Williams01/01/196515835 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ahmad Brandon-james Holder01/01/199916236 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Aja Nicole Clark01/01/199638018 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alan William Hubert01/01/195038219 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alana Michele Nouhan01/01/200015839 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alba Marie Tempestini01/01/196515389 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Albert Lee Crumsey01/01/197015365 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Aldolphus Timothy-larry Estell01/01/196538739 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alecia Danielle Wolfe01/01/197415945 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Alex James Malone01/01/198115307 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alex Pelc01/01/200015961 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Alex Richard Dubey01/01/199138949 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alexander Jason Brzuszek01/01/197338838 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alexander Zeke Zabel01/01/198915811 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Alexandria Engles-Catallo01/01/199538824 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alexis Rose Gallahar01/01/199315316 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Alexus Yvette Clark01/01/200038018 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alfred Lawrence Griffin01/01/194716189 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alice Lorraine Linkewitz01/01/194315364 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alicia Ann Hoxie-MacKinnon01/01/199816262 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alisha Kerstin Wiley01/01/199338037 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Aliza Ann Givhan01/01/197238637 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Allison Marie White01/01/195238654 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Allyssa Marie Poyner01/01/199638162 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Alyssa Chey Smith01/01/199815351 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Alyssa Emily Rospierski01/01/200037714 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alyssa Erin Grau01/01/198038343 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Alyssa Lynn Contoni01/01/199415389 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amanda Aiad Amanwel01/01/199838297 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Jean Defillippo01/01/198815313 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amanda Jean Jenkins01/01/198616229 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Kay Rodino01/01/198438050 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Lynn Urbanski01/01/198638171 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Lynn West01/01/199138207 Chanel Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amanda Marie Litwaitis01/01/197915846 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Marie Messina01/01/198538522 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Michele Nobrega01/01/198738884 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amanda Nicole Beauchamp01/01/199438074 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amanda Nicole Dejonghe01/01/198738087 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amanda Shanna Boerder01/01/198638216 Chanel Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amber Ann Williams01/01/198015377 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amber Marie Jones01/01/199838671 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amber N. 931201/01/199515937 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amber Nicole Korte01/01/199515937 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amber Renee Sultes01/01/198338139 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amber Rose Parker01/01/198215311 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amy Ann Bode01/01/198438745 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amy Elizabeth Conniff01/01/198415941 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amy Lynn Gagnier01/01/197115867 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Amy Lynn Kozlinski01/01/198316180 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amy Nazarko01/01/200138911 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amy Nicole Valentine01/01/198438760 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Amy Sue Pregizer01/01/198315329 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Andrea Aloisia Brabson-Foxx01/01/198915847 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Andrea Geralyn Sparks01/01/195938713 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Andrea Michelle Siwka01/01/200138637 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Andrea Susan Allen01/01/196838085 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Andrea Vitale01/01/193738712 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Andrew Howard Zurowick01/01/199738008 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Andrew James Melnyczak01/01/196915820 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Andrew Joseph Odoerfer01/01/198738801 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Andrew Robert Goodwin01/01/197638915 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angela Curran Acciacca01/01/198138052 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angela Marie Howland01/01/197738319 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angela Mucaria Lambert01/01/195116193 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angela Salansky01/01/196715851 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Angela Suzanne Novak01/01/198938953 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angelia Marie Randall01/01/197138057 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angelina Renee Crawford01/01/198638022 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Angeline Tocco01/01/194838527 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Angelique Terre Pfeil01/01/199016248 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Angella Rose Zella01/01/198338783 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ann Helen Kerrigan01/01/195315835 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anna Belle Bobeck01/01/194515803 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anna Manette Patterson01/01/197338157 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anna Monika Pelc01/01/197815961 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anna Pietrina Sulla01/01/195938883 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anna Renee Hugley01/01/198316197 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anne Lorraine McAuliffe01/01/197038321 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anne Margaret Debruyne01/01/196638490 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anne Marie Gruzwalski01/01/196338109 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anne Marie Rescoe01/01/196216233 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Annemarie Danielle Williams01/01/198238130 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Annette Louise Schwartz01/01/196515341 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Annette Marie Vorce01/01/196316176 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Annmarie Labuda01/01/195438699 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Charles Koontz01/01/199715366 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Edward Nolan01/01/197038945 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Francis Greene01/01/195938691 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Guadarrama-Pelayo01/01/200115970 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Joseph Shalhoub01/01/193138796 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Michael Rubino01/01/195038880 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Michael Tocco01/01/194938527 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony Richard Ford01/01/197038864 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Anthony S. Plezia01/01/194638702 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Antoneta Micakovic01/01/199438706 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Antoneta Nikpreljevic01/01/197438670 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Antoni Rrok Sinistaj01/01/199638543 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Antonino Borgia01/01/197238411 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Antonio Yanez-Garcia01/01/198515331 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
April Elizabeth Podolan01/01/198716214 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Arben Nazarko01/01/196638911 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Archie Lee Brinson01/01/197838116 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Areli Osorio Armenta01/01/195538495 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Arianna Renee Kelly01/01/199838797 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Armando Papais01/01/193015421 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Arthur Brian Lee01/01/195338945 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Arthur Henry Beauchamp01/01/197015384 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ashley Christina Nikou01/01/198515240 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ashley Dawn Krolczyk01/01/198738009 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ashley Kaye Orlando01/01/199315815 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ashley Lashunda Bailey01/01/198616181 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ashley Lauren Enderich01/01/198638010 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ashley Nicole Siwka01/01/199938637 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ashley Renee Hall01/01/199038067 Cordon Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ashraf Hussain Khan01/01/197438312 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Asia Chanelle Sample01/01/199838035 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Asmaa Seifeldin Al-Alousi01/01/198815743 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Athraa Paulis Sawa01/01/198738330 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Audrey Donyel Jones01/01/196415410 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Audrey Michele Beecherl01/01/197238037 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Austen David Conniff01/01/198515941 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Austin Lee Donahue01/01/199538149 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Author Lindsey Woodring01/01/198616176 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ayad A. Bako01/01/197638297 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Baram Rexhepi01/01/195415451 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Barbara Anne Byas01/01/194238880 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Barbara Lee Dinger01/01/194715922 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Barbara Marie Norman01/01/195438022 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Barry Michael-adam Budnar01/01/196938592 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Belinda Toree Porchia01/01/198338153 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Benisha Bernice Norris01/01/199515346 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Benjamin Joseph Cebulski01/01/199638709 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bernice Reed01/01/195515241 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Betty Ann Purdy01/01/194338048 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Betty Louise Fielder01/01/194738049 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Betty Louise Gajewski01/01/192937736 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Betty Louise Minnie01/01/194138121 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Beulah Eulalia Castellenas01/01/199615320 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Beverlee Rae Ibe01/01/194415919 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Beverly Colombo01/01/195438892 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Beverly Jane Pessina01/01/193738821 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Beverly Lynne Braggs01/01/196315342 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bob Turner01/01/195315360 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Bobbi Jean Hudson01/01/197315366 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Bobby Charles Rowland01/01/198238813 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bonnie Kay Hedge-Stodulski01/01/195038853 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bonnie L. Pace01/01/193338081 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brad Michael Gysel01/01/198015362 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Bradley David Riddle01/01/197838045 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bradley Lyn Stroud01/01/195837746 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Branden Dawson Burgess01/01/199816161 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brandi Nicole Trevathan01/01/198616120 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brandon Anthony Curtis01/01/199515819 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brandon Bartlo Newton01/01/200238725 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brandon Christopher Collin01/01/198415905 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brandon Edward Hilliker01/01/199115342 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brandon Montez Jones01/01/197938221 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brandon Wesley Berry01/01/199438336 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brandy Marie Williams01/01/198415366 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brenda Ann Hansen01/01/195638094 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brenda Ellen Nikoriuk01/01/199238093 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brenda Marie Kasper01/01/195738809 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brenna Ruth Kasper01/01/196815321 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brennan Matthew Hawkins01/01/199938898 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brent William Cogwell01/01/198838065 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brett Harrison Bronner01/01/198838817 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brett Randall Goul01/01/197538777 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brian Alan Wilhelm01/01/196115363 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brian Allen Hurchalla01/01/196615374 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brian Edward Haehl01/01/197815310 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brian Joseph Rich01/01/199115356 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brian Lee Berg01/01/197337480 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brian Lee Kyle01/01/197338669 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brian Lloyd Seifert01/01/198316111 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brian Michael Johnston01/01/194538694 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brianna Denise Wilson01/01/199916127 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brittani Tierra Winkelman01/01/198915810 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brittany Nicole Bell01/01/198315346 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Brooke Aislinn Chapman01/01/199238119 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Brooklyn Marie Earle-Clark01/01/199715321 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bruce Charles Ingram01/01/195738740 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bruce Edward Hilliker01/01/195215769 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Bruce Karl Lang01/01/195238610 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bryan William Walton01/01/196715843 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Bryant Long Ho01/01/198138327 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cameron Jamal Houston01/01/200138615 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carey Lynn Dushaj01/01/197438633 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carl Joseph Vogler01/01/196038776 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carlo Favro01/01/192038849 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carlo S. Mercurio01/01/200038661 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carlo Vincent Mercurio01/01/196338661 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carmela Genevieve Pasienza01/01/195438941 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carmen Amara Donaldson01/01/198238013 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carmen Lee-renee Rancilio01/01/198038294 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Carmen McCray01/01/196138072 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol Ann Bedeski01/01/194438936 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol Ann Szalewicz01/01/194638763 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol Denise-noland Davenport01/01/195438770 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol Guttovz01/01/195038865 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol Lois Resch01/01/192915445 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol Lynn Delaurier01/01/196938048 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Carol Lynn Frampton01/01/195838653 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carol-Jean Horetski Barker01/01/194538320 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carole Lou Pokorney01/01/194938811 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carrie Faye Valentine01/01/195715900 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Carrie Renee Fruciano01/01/198216159 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Casey Marie Couturier01/01/199815969 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cassandra Lynn Heath01/01/200238069 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cassidy Lynne Wakula01/01/200238073 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Caterina Maria Cracchiolo01/01/193938881 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Catherine Cecilia Fisher01/01/195238075 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Catherine Marie Hartman01/01/196838068 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Catherine Marie Schneidt01/01/196538211 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Catherine Rose Woodhouse01/01/199038068 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cathie Mar McClary01/01/195015943 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cathrine Rose Hanson01/01/195515871 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Caydein Belle Litwaitis01/01/200215846 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cecil Don Pearson01/01/195938928 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cecilia Difiore01/01/196037763 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cecilia Natcole Hubbard01/01/198316157 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Chantal Calypso Cavanaugh01/01/200115368 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charlene Jackson01/01/194938024 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charlene Josephine Demo01/01/195438090 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charles Allan Andromalos01/01/196538029 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charles Andrew Summerfield01/01/195738040 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charles Anthony Michael01/01/194338332 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charles Arthur Romig01/01/199015905 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charles Frederick Kuhns01/01/194615452 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Charles Morris Debruyne01/01/194438490 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charles Orlando Wheeler01/01/197438100 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Charlie Wesley Frank01/01/197516174 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Charlotte Ann Leone01/01/198038850 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Chelsea Jean Coffman01/01/199038131 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Chelsea Marie Block01/01/199315318 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cheryl Ann Leib01/01/196638800 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cheryl Ann Nix01/01/195415333 River Ln, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cheryl Denise McKinnon01/01/195738113 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cheryl Lynn Vincent01/01/195315897 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cheyenne Brooke Chamberlain01/01/200016185 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Chris C. Vieni01/01/197016120 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Chris Joseph Cendrowski01/01/196338066 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Chris Micakovic01/01/198538706 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Christian Curtis Howington01/01/197415348 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christian Ozzy Prima01/01/200216241 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Christina Susan Bair01/01/198115345 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christine Ann Bigelow01/01/195038832 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christine Leora Boskovich01/01/197415452 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christine Marie Fisher01/01/195938064 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christine Marie Zanni01/01/197715869 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christine Mary Stojic01/01/197038873 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Christine Rallo-Cupit01/01/196415819 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christine Rose Williams01/01/197215220 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Alan Prima01/01/196716241 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Christopher David Semik01/01/199315806 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Gerald-leopol Dewandeler01/01/198738630 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Joseph Abate01/01/195837745 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Mark Lemanski01/01/194915946 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Michael Feld01/01/200016688 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Michael Mazza01/01/198416210 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Christopher Michael Walters01/01/197438092 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Christopher Michael Yerkovich01/01/197338679 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Paul Allen01/01/197716221 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Christopher Robert Zella01/01/197838783 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cieon Shimar-cieyir Sylvester01/01/200115325 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cietia Lenay Johnson01/01/198738016 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cindy Ann Dombrowski01/01/196516240 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cindy Marie Linke01/01/195938036 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Claire Marie Nieman01/01/196515820 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Clariece Joyce McGee01/01/193938829 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Claude Paul Richards01/01/195316185 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Clifton George Russell01/01/194438666 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cody Allen-bumper Davis01/01/199138027 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Connie Lynne Christian01/01/196238201 Collette Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Connor Edward MacLean01/01/199538074 Cordon Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Constantine Spyridon Nikou01/01/195815240 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cori Elizabeth Ford01/01/197238864 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Corliss Marie Robinson01/01/195916112 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Corrina Green01/01/199316201 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Corrine Marie Fontana01/01/194138877 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cory Edward Brown01/01/197515879 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cory Martin Feld01/01/200016688 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Craig Scott Oosterveen01/01/196738931 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Criston James-gary Jones01/01/198938107 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Crystal Marie Alexander01/01/198338800 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Crystal Marie Parrish01/01/198115819 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Curtis Farley01/01/194816043 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Curtis Lavel McDonald01/01/196715353 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Curtis Pettway01/01/198515337 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cydni Carlotta Caldwell01/01/196138076 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cynthia Ann Hollebrands01/01/195115710 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cynthia Ann Neumann01/01/195138924 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cynthia M. Piper01/01/196438771 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Cynthia Mae Williams01/01/194415660 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cynthia Renee Kelly01/01/196938797 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Cynthia Sue Parise01/01/195515372 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dacira Charlise Simpson01/01/199615358 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Dale Keith Mason01/01/195538567 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dale Richard Wakulat01/01/197015843 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dale Stewart Miller01/01/195715933 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Damacio Armenta01/01/195338495 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Damacio Armenta01/01/198938495 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dana Andrew Wisniewski01/01/197038086 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dana Cymone Croff-Rider01/01/200038220 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Daniel Anthony Gelardi01/01/199816262 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Daniel Brian Boyd01/01/197916197 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Daniel John McCarthy01/01/196515944 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Daniel Joseph Plotzke01/01/196538840 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Daniel Maurice McKendrick01/01/197015366 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Daniel Robert Zepp01/01/195715350 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Daniela Guadalupe Ochoa-Pelayo01/01/200238048 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Daniela Micakovic01/01/199138706 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Danielle Jean Romig01/01/199315905 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Danna Marie Manning01/01/199016210 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Danny Robert Scheys01/01/195538953 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dante Joseph Locke01/01/200038940 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Danyale Marie Whaley01/01/197638043 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Danzel Cornell Jones01/01/199138059 Pardo Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Daren James Burnett01/01/198538214 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dario Daja01/01/199738960 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darius-Wesley Antwon Goodwin-Siebert01/01/199438004 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darlene Elaine Jewett01/01/194138056 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darlene Tamika Palmer01/01/197638936 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darneisha Diane Smith01/01/198738088 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darnell Zsermaine Blackburn01/01/197038335 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darrell David Weinert01/01/195937730 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Darrion Silee Jones01/01/200238936 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Darryl Martin Zepp01/01/196015350 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dashonda Cynice-nicole Fleming01/01/199438033 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Dasja Shavay Thomas01/01/199138017 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dave John Robb01/01/194837712 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Allan Homeier01/01/197716176 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Allen Sullivan01/01/197716001 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Bartlo Newton01/01/196538725 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
David Charles Nakoneczny01/01/195315367 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Charles Zitny01/01/197015913 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David D. Cosey01/01/194538095 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Francis Taylor01/01/197015994 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Gerald Konwerski01/01/195138764 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Jackson Lee01/01/194938844 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David James Cox01/01/195238729 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David John Valentine01/01/194838760 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Joseph Jerome01/01/194316180 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
David Joseph Snyder01/01/197315869 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Keith Podolan01/01/198716214 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
David Leroi Jones01/01/196715410 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Michael Glaeser01/01/198338322 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Michael Semik01/01/195915806 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Paul Barker01/01/195838486 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Paul Zurowick01/01/196938008 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Ross Relph01/01/196415660 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Salem Najor01/01/199338654 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
David Scott Pessina01/01/196238821 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
David William Stanford01/01/198616217 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Davion Tyrice Jones01/01/199315354 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dawn Jaunita Hesburn01/01/196915377 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Dawn Lela Snay01/01/196838127 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dawn Marie Marchesseault01/01/196538091 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dawn Marie Rishel01/01/196215921 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dawn Marie Roxborough01/01/197115330 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dawn Michele Bode01/01/198215864 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Dawn Renee Wakulat01/01/196415843 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Dawn Samonie01/01/196916120 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Debbra Lee Labut01/01/199215349 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Ann La-Vere01/01/196915855 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Ann Lacroix01/01/195238684 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Ann Sampson01/01/195116225 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Denise Conlon01/01/197038648 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Elizabeth Sinz01/01/195315860 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Lee Malinowski01/01/195738122 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Lynn Brown01/01/196038358 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deborah Williams Dennert01/01/195638747 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Debra Ann Bronner01/01/195438817 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Debra Ann Calcaterra01/01/195515851 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Debra Ann Katen01/01/195638928 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Debra Denise Pettway01/01/195715337 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Debra Jean Baker01/01/197938025 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Debra Lynn Bobcean01/01/195215655 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Delana Louise McCormick01/01/199938079 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denisa Leone01/01/197738960 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denise Ann Consiglio01/01/195215984 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denise Ann Mansky01/01/196415372 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denise C. Garsky01/01/196515410 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Denise Danielle Hale01/01/196738030 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Denise Lynn Longtin01/01/195438158 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denise Marie Valentine01/01/195238760 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denise Suzanne Vanderster01/01/197015634 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dennis John Briguglio01/01/195515334 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dennis John Favro01/01/194938849 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dennis Lee Bragg01/01/196215342 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dennis Lee Myers01/01/194815351 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Denzel Mackenzie Scruse01/01/199038101 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Deonte Cordell Griffin01/01/199038040 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Derik Robert Gaudett01/01/198815373 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Desmond Lamarr Bellamy01/01/198515819 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Destiny Monique Mitchell01/01/198715261 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Devin Lee Jones01/01/199715410 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Devontae Leshawn Christian01/01/198938052 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Diamond Rochelle King01/01/200238067 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diana Audrey Catellane01/01/195815943 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diana Jean Baker01/01/196637560 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diana Lee Lundak01/01/194615408 Pebble Pointe Cir, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diana Marie Peace01/01/196238780 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Carmella-marie Mercurio01/01/196738661 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Gayle Lozier01/01/195438765 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Lorraine Melms01/01/195715992 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Lynn Zalewski01/01/195538665 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Marie Cendrowski01/01/196538066 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Marie Ingram01/01/195938740 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Mason Wilcox01/01/195116169 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diane Wilson01/01/196438094 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Diarra Deonte Keeling01/01/199638293 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Dieuwertje Anna Vanjaarsveld01/01/193737704 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dion Montoya Croxton01/01/197438021 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Domnick Loria01/01/196438911 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Don Emerson Chamberlain01/01/196138114 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donald Charles Neibert01/01/196215828 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Donald Oran Olmack01/01/196138504 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donald Ray Moore01/01/197215949 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donald Roy Hyry01/01/195338638 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donna Faye Sullivan01/01/193838132 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donna Jean Knies01/01/195838909 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donna Kay Gumtow01/01/194715390 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donna Lee Jones01/01/196438594 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donna Lynn MacKewich01/01/197116221 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Donnelle Marie Bacon01/01/199338214 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Donovan T. Estell01/01/200038739 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Doreen Ann Novelli01/01/196838148 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dorian Seneca Moore01/01/197115871 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dorothy Crown01/01/194916261 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dorri Lynn Konot01/01/197138576 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dorris Joan Becker01/01/193138222 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Douglas Charles Rumpl01/01/195538019 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Douglas Emil Psenicka01/01/195116116 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Douglas Phillip Bair01/01/198115345 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Drana Micakovic01/01/196438724 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dulcie Marie Seeman01/01/196938027 Pardo Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Dwain William Humphrey01/01/197715333 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eana Monai Williams01/01/198238220 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ebonique Latrice Woodard01/01/198515650 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ebony Ernestine Berry01/01/196738742 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eddie Strickland Dennard01/01/196138067 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edgar Moises Miranda01/01/197015281 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edna Jennifer Alexander01/01/196938134 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edna Theresa Ventimiglia01/01/192615997 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edward Joseph Klosowski01/01/194438892 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edward Joseph Klotz01/01/196915998 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edward Joseph Marchesseault01/01/196338091 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edward Lee Koniecki01/01/197338042 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edward Paul Meyers01/01/194615327 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edwin Earl Truelove01/01/196738045 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Edwina Cynthia Heiderer01/01/194015380 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eilena Marie Glover01/01/197438149 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elaine Dashon Dowdell01/01/199415372 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elena Azis01/01/199938652 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Elena Borgia01/01/199938570 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elizabeth Ann Gressman01/01/194715793 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elizabeth Ann Knoll01/01/195215839 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elizabeth Ann MacFarland01/01/198138792 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elizabeth Danielle West01/01/198238109 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Marie Zitny01/01/199215913 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elizabeth Tanya Licari01/01/198415337 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Elka Petrova Parvanova01/01/196615920 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Emily Jaclyn Robb01/01/199938131 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Emily Jean Gaglio01/01/194437714 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Emily Kathleen Rosowski01/01/199738110 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Emily Marie Rishel01/01/199415921 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Emir Ibrahimovic01/01/196237696 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Engy Nagd Matti01/01/198515326 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eni Bogdani01/01/199415451 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Epiphany Theresa-rose Watson01/01/199215310 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eric Darnel Boyd01/01/197316194 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Eric Jon Zielke01/01/196738819 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Eric McLemore01/01/197138150 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Eric Thomas Ford01/01/198238015 Pardo Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Erica Denise Garcia01/01/199038098 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Erika Chanay Keeling01/01/198638293 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Erin Beth Wiles01/01/198916241 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Erin Nicole Apolzan01/01/198138131 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Erin Sachs-Berneis01/01/197938339 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Erinn Colleen Foley01/01/197738901 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Erkin Sevdet Mamudovski01/01/197038658 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Erma Ruby Sevier01/01/192638154 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ernestine Marie Callewaert01/01/194538898 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eteria Jeanice Myers01/01/197115365 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ethan Jay McCoy01/01/200038904 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Eugene Franklin Saad01/01/194438618 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Evany Noelle Raether01/01/197938089 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Evelyn Carol Albers01/01/194538634 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Everett Cooper01/01/194316173 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Everette Clark01/01/196038018 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Fadi Bithio Matti01/01/197815326 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Faro Licavoli01/01/195815345 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Fatime Bogdani01/01/196215451 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Felecia Klotz01/01/199715998 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Felecia Renee Nicholson01/01/199316170 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Felicia Francesca Mercurio01/01/199738661 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Fjona Nazarko01/01/199638911 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Florjan Azis01/01/200238652 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Frances Elizabeth Stocks01/01/196138820 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Frances Louise Gilewski01/01/194515466 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Frances Mary Grunwald01/01/193138083 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Francesca Irene Byars01/01/197038825 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Francesco Biafora01/01/194015306 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Francine Joann Haezebrouck01/01/194738376 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Francisco Yukio Gonzalez-Tanamachi01/01/198838314 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Francoise Lenee Goodwin01/01/197815307 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Frank Harold Price01/01/198538209 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Frank James Price01/01/195538209 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Fred Charles Jagger01/01/194938612 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Fred Robert Sevier01/01/195438154 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Fridolin George Sinz01/01/195415860 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Frieda Trudeau01/01/195538946 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gaberiel Adam Budnar01/01/200138592 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gail Ann Vogler01/01/195738776 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gail Marie Jones01/01/195038109 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Albert Colombo01/01/197038324 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Dale Blackburn01/01/195538107 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Daniel Koliba01/01/195437768 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Edward Stimson01/01/194838798 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Merele Bronner01/01/200138817 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gary Merele Bronner01/01/197538817 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Michael Baker01/01/195437560 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Raymond Wright01/01/194638450 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gary Tranell Young01/01/198438153 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gaspare Cracchiolo01/01/196538881 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gayle Marie Ventimiglia01/01/196415997 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gemeng Yang01/01/199115843 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gene Julius Grunwald01/01/194238083 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Genevieve Mary Konieczki01/01/192738054 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Genevieve Rita Zieba01/01/193316164 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Genti Azis01/01/197438652 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Georgana Clare Clements01/01/193315382 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
George Beals Debonville01/01/195815987 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
George Edward Klos01/01/195215383 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
George Gitari01/01/192615838 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
George Henry Encelewski01/01/196215368 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
George Sylvester Sawicki01/01/194838817 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
George W. Ibe01/01/193515919 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Georgeta Ravineala01/01/195838831 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gerald Edward Brunner01/01/195815681 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gerald George Novak01/01/195715301 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gerald Joseph Lefaive01/01/194415895 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gerald Louis Guttovz01/01/195038865 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gerald Robert Gold01/01/194938083 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gerardo Garza01/01/197538495 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ghali T. Seba01/01/194438297 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gheza Nagy01/01/193615970 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gina Golpe01/01/198138705 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gina Marie Geraltowski01/01/196238876 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gina Marie Kilcher01/01/200038071 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gina Theresa Rubino01/01/194838880 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gjelosh Vushaj01/01/197615291 River Ln, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Glenda Lee Myers01/01/195015351 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Glenn Augustus Williams01/01/194815791 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Glenn Karl Hansen01/01/195338094 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Glenn Lee01/01/194638945 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Glenn Wesley Tannahill01/01/198515917 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gloria Jean Grunow01/01/194738082 Cordon Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gloria Jean Pierce01/01/195438784 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Glynn David Ragland01/01/194838671 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gordon Thomas Ireland01/01/195638004 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Grace Marie Gaglio-Rospierski01/01/197337714 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Grazia Marie Russo01/01/200215760 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gregory David Crown01/01/198316261 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gregory Dennert01/01/195838747 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Gregory Frank Nasiatka01/01/197615853 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gregory Louis Malendowski01/01/196215346 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Guiseppe Cusumano01/01/191438692 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Gwendolyn Sharon McBride01/01/195415823 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Hailey Marie Hixenbaugh01/01/199715810 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Haitham George Ankawe01/01/196538870 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Harmieya Jarelle King01/01/199115345 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Harry Dale Crooks01/01/196338211 Collette Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Harvey Patrick Uren01/01/196715327 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Heather Colleen Jastrzemski01/01/199638610 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Heather Katherine Frank01/01/197716174 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Heather Lea Gerard01/01/197838927 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Heather Lynn Uhley01/01/197138223 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Heather Marie Rubins01/01/197915360 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Helen Denise Pettway01/01/198415337 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Helen M. Ksiazkiewicz01/01/191838805 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Henry Michael Neithofer01/01/197138159 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Henry Milton Smith01/01/196638033 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Herbert Bernard Jacobsen01/01/197838688 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Hugh Wesley Tannahill01/01/196015917 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Hunter Joseph Carlo01/01/199815340 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ian Joseph Gressman01/01/197415793 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ibrahim Medic01/01/196238768 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ida Losenegger01/01/194238678 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ira Patrick Estep01/01/195915352 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Irene Angeline Papais01/01/193515421 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Irene Emma Akom01/01/195838698 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ivan Badri Jarbo01/01/198438323 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jack Robert Rittner01/01/196438952 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jackeline Margoth Tovar01/01/198415320 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jacklyn Renae Combs01/01/199315367 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jacob Alexander Cebulski01/01/199838709 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jacob Francis Wolf01/01/200237630 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jacob Leo Kastruba01/01/199638162 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jacob Richard Turczynski01/01/199415944 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jacob Walter-edward Relph01/01/199515660 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jacqueline I. Moen01/01/194137753 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jacqueline Lee Krul01/01/198938144 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jacqueline Marasco01/01/194737731 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jacqueline Marie Mohr01/01/197238836 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jadah Christine-unique Brown01/01/200238025 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jahanara Begum Khan01/01/195638312 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jakhi Charis Jordan-White01/01/199215381 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jalen Gerome Sanders01/01/199638302 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jalonte Damar Jones01/01/200138592 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
James Adam MacKlin01/01/197138079 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
James Alan Sulla01/01/195838883 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Allen Seeman01/01/196438027 Pardo Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Anthony Coleman01/01/198238118 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Bernard Plotzke01/01/193838840 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Dale Corder01/01/195938119 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Desherman Richardson01/01/197015261 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Distefanis01/01/196638315 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James E. Turberville01/01/198916149 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
James Edward Wilson01/01/199838210 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
James Grandville Laforest01/01/197738038 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Hagood Gowans01/01/200038072 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James John Novak01/01/198438953 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Joseph-michael Compton-Myers01/01/198738044 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
James Karl Muller01/01/197315338 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Keith Malcum01/01/195838293 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Michael Kniseley01/01/195916217 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Michael Kniseley01/01/198415820 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Robert Trenner01/01/198638090 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
James Shaffer01/01/196415339 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Thomas Beswick01/01/194838715 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
James Vincent Alexander01/01/198038800 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jamie Catherine Jordan01/01/197038916 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jamie Lynn Fustin01/01/198238357 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jana Rae Little01/01/196338179 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jane Marie Cox01/01/195238729 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Janet Katherine Roberts01/01/196115360 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Janet Marie Cadreau01/01/196915815 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Janice Ann Lemanski01/01/194815946 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Janice Ann Qualls01/01/194938722 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Janice Frances Silbernagel01/01/195138451 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Janice Louise Vorgitch01/01/194415314 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Janice Lynette Willis01/01/197238616 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Janit Haroun01/01/195838305 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jarron Shane Jackson01/01/198838042 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jasmain Delecnia Brown01/01/199238014 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jason Frank Seiffert01/01/197638901 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jason James Howland01/01/197638319 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jason Lamont Barber01/01/198038113 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jason Patrick Smith01/01/198838924 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jason Raleigh Jones01/01/198838086 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jason Raymond Berthiaume01/01/198138146 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jason Robert Abendroth01/01/197238916 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jason Robert Reynolds01/01/197938550 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jayda Jaynese Fuqua01/01/199216007 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jayla Claudia Shaffer01/01/199615339 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jazmin Eryn Edwards01/01/199838074 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jean Marie Moir01/01/193838934 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeanine Marie Tabenske01/01/195738672 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeannine Rochelle Mahaffey01/01/196615820 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffery Cole01/01/196238316 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Alan Grinnell01/01/198115360 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Carlton Jones01/01/196515949 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Jay Cebulski01/01/195938709 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Lawrence Henningsen01/01/196615734 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Michael Kamon01/01/198338745 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Scott01/01/196238072 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Scott Dubay01/01/197215804 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Scott Parker01/01/196937747 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey Scott Reiley01/01/196838703 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey William Boslooper01/01/195915847 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeffrey William Fultz01/01/197138952 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jelisa Bianca Wells01/01/199138615 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jelise Caprice Thomas01/01/199238078 Cordon Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jenna Anne Ostrander01/01/200015942 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jennell Lorraine Foster01/01/195716270 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jennifer Ann Curtis01/01/198438717 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jennifer Christine Loewe01/01/199315677 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jennifer Elizabeth Beauchamp01/01/197115384 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jennifer Kay Fowler01/01/197138637 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jennifer Leigh Sokalski01/01/198338643 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jennifer Lynn Gilewski01/01/197215466 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jennifer Lynn Montgomery01/01/197215398 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jennifer Lynn Weldon01/01/197838028 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jennifer Marie Fraquelli01/01/197638331 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jennifer Sadecki Parison01/01/197438710 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeremy David Selweski01/01/198438778 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeremy Eric Agee01/01/197615382 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jeremy Ian Hugo01/01/197238339 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jeremy Lee-justin Redwood01/01/198438213 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jeremy Robert McCoy01/01/198638175 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jeremy Wayne Barber01/01/198838691 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jerilynn June Hunley01/01/197816201 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jerome Slayton01/01/198615817 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jerry Lee Turner01/01/198915355 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jesse James Marshall01/01/199438032 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jesse Thomas Fenlin01/01/198938106 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jessica Christine Legato01/01/197738847 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jessica Dominique Shaffer01/01/199015339 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jessica Lynn Crum01/01/198615921 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jessica Lynn Danna01/01/197438016 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jessica Micah Davis01/01/199415855 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jessica Vidojevski01/01/199738150 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jill Audrene Siemen01/01/196338952 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jill Marie Dungan01/01/196215396 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jill Marie McCoy01/01/196938904 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jo Ann Thurau01/01/195038851 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jo Ellen James01/01/195938872 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joan Carrol Pash01/01/194538212 Collette Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joan Marie Powell01/01/195338149 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joann Maria Tavolieri01/01/195438046 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joann Marie Antkiewicz01/01/195415324 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jodie Lee Gressman01/01/197715793 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joe Louis Grier01/01/196115916 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John A. Gregg01/01/192738772 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
John Anthony Juras01/01/196838142 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Anthony McCleary01/01/198915381 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
John Anthony Siwa01/01/199016276 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
John Anthony Siwa01/01/196116276 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Arthur Charvat01/01/195838391 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Charles Bruss01/01/195615655 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
John David Barber01/01/197738113 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
John Edward-alan Fraquelli01/01/197538331 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Ernest Boerder01/01/198538216 Chanel Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Galvano01/01/196915983 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Joseph Valentine01/01/195215900 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John P. Gjolaj01/01/197138301 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Patrick Mayville01/01/196515368 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Peter Chakroff01/01/194738904 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Richard Gordon01/01/198238590 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Thomas Lucas01/01/196038767 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
John Wayne Castellenas01/01/195815320 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
John Wesly Siebert01/01/194238004 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Johnny Gordon Edens01/01/196116266 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Johnny Kenneth Blarek01/01/199138025 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jonathan Lemuel Hannah01/01/198438151 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jonathon Edward Klotz01/01/199915998 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Jonathon Matthew Cheek01/01/199715378 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jordan Benjamin Polomski01/01/199138050 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jose Abel Sierra01/01/196238912 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jose Anthony Abila01/01/194538690 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Jose Miguel Joachin01/01/200138147 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joseph Donald Fruciano01/01/198516159 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph Donn Feld01/01/199816688 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joseph Gerald Wischler01/01/197715398 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joseph Gerard Russo01/01/196815760 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph James Difiore01/01/199137763 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph James Dungan01/01/199415396 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph James Gressman01/01/194415793 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph James Silbernagel01/01/195038451 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph John Roznowski01/01/194137750 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph Mario Calcaterra01/01/199315851 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joseph Michael Pash01/01/198238212 Collette Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph Micheal Simpson01/01/198238802 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph Richard Kaczynski01/01/195538027 Pardo Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joseph Royal Sullivan01/01/200015368 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph Salvatore Lovasco01/01/198238824 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joseph Vincent Brozowski01/01/194115349 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Josephine Basacchi01/01/192838756 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Josephine Ciaramitaro01/01/194215445 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joshua James McCleary01/01/199115381 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Joshua Mutakabbir01/01/200215371 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joshua Scott Kasper01/01/200015321 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joshua Steven Soper01/01/198516115 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joy Beth Winningham01/01/195538785 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Joyce Ellen Lenz01/01/196215349 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Juana Inriquez Ayala01/01/198615331 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Judith Ann Bacheldor01/01/195738306 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Judith Ann Dombrowski01/01/198516115 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Judith Ann Leone01/01/194638850 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Judith Ann Luke01/01/198238025 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Judith Marie Kadykowski01/01/194915820 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Judith Mary Lipinski01/01/195038676 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Judith Therese Gardiner01/01/194138685 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Judy Ann Edwards01/01/195116228 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Judy Rhondalyn Harvell-Jones01/01/195915949 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Julia Pauline Sieloff01/01/198238570 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Julia W. Bart01/01/193838860 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Julianne Kathleen Joiner01/01/198816103 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Julie Ann Couturier01/01/196115969 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Julie Marie Kniseley01/01/196416217 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Julie Marie Sayranian01/01/197238043 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Julie Noel Abdallah01/01/199038655 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Justan Wayne Strachan01/01/198638080 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Justin Allen Smith01/01/198738105 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Justin Thomas Scraver01/01/198738058 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kaitlin Nicole Alexander01/01/199838134 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kamil Aalim Wheeler01/01/197738936 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Ann Gysel01/01/195615362 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Karen Ann Kassin01/01/194837752 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Anne Rowland01/01/195738813 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Denise Kibler01/01/195615308 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Elaine Rau01/01/194437747 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen L. Sputa01/01/194738654 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Marie Breger01/01/198315879 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Karen Marie Cove01/01/195938868 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Renea Harris01/01/198516189 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karen Sue Jones01/01/195638585 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karla Kay Robinson01/01/195638046 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Karlisa Marie Wells01/01/198738615 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Karlos Robert Reed01/01/197938151 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Karly Lin McCallum01/01/198215981 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katherine Ann Carbonara01/01/196415416 Pebble Pointe Cir, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katherine Elizabeth Newman01/01/198515330 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katherine Marie Hyry01/01/196838638 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katherine Rose Mestari01/01/197938814 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Bridget Schneider01/01/198338930 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Elizabeth Vangieson01/01/196916154 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Marie Cronk01/01/198538869 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Marie Hogg01/01/194738452 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Marie Koliba01/01/195737768 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kathleen Marie Nakoneczny01/01/196315367 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Mary Evert01/01/194215480 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Rose Plezia01/01/194838702 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathleen Stouder Pilecki01/01/194638788 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kathryn Mae Grunner01/01/195115330 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kathy Darilek01/01/194815376 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katie Lynne Lovasco01/01/198738824 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katie Lynne Sprow01/01/199038041 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Katrina Britney Brown01/01/199516177 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Katy Drue Vanrheen01/01/199916120 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kayla Lynn Lane01/01/199415925 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kayla Michelle Guertin-Curtis01/01/199415819 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kayla Rose Smith01/01/199438150 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kedra Maniek Murray01/01/196715966 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kellsea Dawn Woodring01/01/198816176 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kelly Jeanne Bondy01/01/197037760 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kelly Lynn Swain01/01/196516151 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kelly Marie Lupo01/01/196238813 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kelsey Lyn Olmack01/01/199238504 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kendra Marie Olmack01/01/198838504 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Aaron Kove01/01/198638020 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Alan Repp01/01/197215313 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Bertrand Pokorney01/01/194538811 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Carmen Ortman01/01/199215367 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kenneth Daniel McClellan01/01/198116150 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Jay McCoy01/01/196738904 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Lawrence Schultz01/01/194438947 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kenneth Raymond Kozlinski01/01/195938034 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kenneth Richard Krieg01/01/196215780 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kerry Lynne Ryan01/01/196615905 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kevin Anthony Plezia01/01/197038702 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kevin Donald Schwartz01/01/196215341 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kevin Ernesto Lara-Barraza01/01/199138176 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kevin Gerard Krajenka01/01/196738710 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kevin J. Labuda01/01/198038699 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kevin Lee Ostrander01/01/197315942 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kevin Leigh Nasiatka01/01/197815853 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kevin Matthew Hynous01/01/198138317 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Khadija Medic01/01/197538768 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kiara Lana Willis01/01/199638103 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kiernan Leigh Rancilio01/01/197838294 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kierstyn Breann Littleson01/01/199838146 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kim Marie McCarthy01/01/196515944 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kimberley Ann Liss01/01/195938102 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kirk Gerald Hamilton01/01/196038877 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kirk Karl Knies01/01/195438909 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Konstantin Pode01/01/199615859 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Koren Marie Russo01/01/196615760 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Korena Lynn Thibodeau01/01/199715366 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kosta Nikola Acovski01/01/193815438 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kristen Anne Meyers01/01/197315327 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kristen Jill Moore01/01/199038028 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kristen Laura Yerkovich01/01/197338679 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kristina Lynn Patrona01/01/198615350 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kristina Marie Jacobsen01/01/198338688 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kristina Susanne Brzuszek01/01/197438838 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kristine Lleshaj01/01/198938721 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Kristine Renee Lipinski01/01/198038676 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Krystal Lynn Sanderson01/01/198816221 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Krystal Virnett McKee01/01/196615909 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Krystian Jacek Szymanski01/01/199338772 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Kurt Max Hampel01/01/195838203 Chanel Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ladonna Precious Cuevas01/01/198138020 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ladorion Paul Stewart01/01/197338068 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lamari Lenez Stallworth01/01/199715353 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lana Marie Santos01/01/196715349 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lance Michael Kujawski01/01/198615901 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lanisha Janay Ware01/01/199316185 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Laportia Aryone Jackson01/01/199815309 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Laquita Noelle Stewart01/01/198038068 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Larry Gene Hollebrands01/01/194515710 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Larry Joe Cook01/01/194538036 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Larry John Monterosso01/01/195238151 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lashaundra Shenay Moore01/01/198015863 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lashawnda Denise Williams01/01/197438066 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Latasha Dena Cannon01/01/197515949 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Latasha Thomas01/01/197515896 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Latonya Amour Wilson01/01/197315359 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Latonya Octavia Shaffer01/01/196715339 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Latoya Maria Ambry01/01/199316169 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Laura Ann Cousins01/01/197938221 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Laurel Anne Wozny01/01/196338812 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lauren Nicole Carbonara01/01/199615416 Pebble Pointe Cir, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Laurie Jean Jankens01/01/195538795 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lavonthe Maurice Bailey01/01/199216213 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lawrence Chrzanowski01/01/197015340 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lawrence Jacob Edwards01/01/197916228 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lawrence Michael Wozny01/01/196038812 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lawrence Stanley Fisher01/01/194438064 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lawrence Thomas Rutkowski01/01/194138920 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Leejo Dorianne Emery01/01/195037734 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Leigh Ellen Sarnik01/01/196415374 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lena Yvonne Russell01/01/194538666 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lenzy Antonio Monett01/01/198916198 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Leonard Bryant Woods01/01/195438558 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Leonard John Smutek01/01/196038022 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Leroy Alonzo Loving01/01/194138670 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Leslie Alan Bacheldor01/01/195538306 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Leslie Dawn Beswick01/01/195338715 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Letroy Berry01/01/195138742 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lewis Frederick Williams01/01/197915377 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Liam Ayden Joiner01/01/198916103 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lidia Fox01/01/198238732 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Liliam Margoth Godinez-Decastellenas01/01/196415320 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lillie Fay Dennard01/01/196438067 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Catherine Ragland01/01/195038671 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Diane Cybulski01/01/195216167 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Grace Vanbrabant01/01/196138076 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Marie Brunner01/01/196215681 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Marie Castellano01/01/194738804 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Marie Delikat01/01/197315681 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Linda Pauline Biafora01/01/194915306 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Schultz01/01/195837760 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Linda Susan Pautz01/01/195338820 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lindsay Marie Parrish01/01/198738585 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lindsey Catherine Simpson01/01/198038802 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lindsey Marie Girling01/01/199715309 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lisa Charlene Reynolds01/01/198338550 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lisa Faye Michon01/01/196538633 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lisa Joanne Henningsen01/01/196715734 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lisa Kaye Martin01/01/196738077 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lisa Lynn Foucart01/01/197115351 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lisa Maria Sawaya01/01/198015846 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lisa Marie Galvano01/01/197015983 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lisa Marie Johnson01/01/198138940 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lloyd Keith Byas01/01/194438880 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lona Ryding01/01/194338845 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lonnie Troy Lewis01/01/196515843 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Loraine Vassallo01/01/195538469 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Loreal Lyna Gardner01/01/200215338 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Loretta Ann Kincannon01/01/196838042 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lori Danielle Brzys-Cebulski01/01/196538709 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lorraine Ann Smith01/01/195938924 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lorraine Marie Brugnone01/01/197538150 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lorrie Jean Edwards-Merrell01/01/195915424 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Luiggi Difiore01/01/196237763 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Luis Enrique Garibaldi-Lopez01/01/198238145 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Luvig Dushaj01/01/197438633 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lydia Irene Zielke01/01/196838819 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lynae Leeann Smith01/01/199415351 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lynique Lechell Williams01/01/196915823 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lynn Stewart Kern01/01/194915305 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Lynne Marie Lobeck01/01/196638073 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Lynnette Kortas01/01/196838733 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Madison Rachel Byars01/01/199938825 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Madison Rein Collin01/01/198815905 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Magen Renee Grabowski01/01/199838103 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mahmoud Rehman Albadri01/01/199338836 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Majid Adam Youkhanna01/01/196538623 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mandelyn Rose Alley01/01/198615884 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mandy Renee Makurat01/01/198038797 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Maranda Katelyn Ortiz01/01/199415346 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marc Donald Barnes01/01/198038731 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marc Famularo01/01/197315346 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marc Kenneth Sperry01/01/197038320 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marcel Arthur Vanbrabant01/01/196038076 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marcia Alexzandrea Humphrey01/01/200115333 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marcia Louise Colombo01/01/197838324 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marcia Lynn Pate01/01/196216163 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marcus Earl Caillet01/01/200238045 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marcus Xavier Danis01/01/197638673 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mare Vushaj01/01/194415291 River Ln, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Margaret Elizabeth Castiglione01/01/193638720 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Margaret Mary Miron-Schultz01/01/194538947 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Margaret Ruth Mandl01/01/194815925 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maria Aguilar01/01/200138732 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Maria Araina Romain01/01/197838313 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maria Borgia01/01/197438411 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maria Fernanda Mireles-Hernandez01/01/200216168 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maria Matilda Martin01/01/197138770 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maria Rrok Sinistaj01/01/199938543 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Maria Spaccarotella01/01/194738172 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marian Rachel Rodriguez01/01/197938759 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marianna Vitale01/01/194338712 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marianne Abila01/01/195138690 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marie Elizabeth Krok01/01/199338789 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marigean Elizabeth Lanivich01/01/198015357 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marija Djonaj01/01/195138570 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marijan Micakovic01/01/198838724 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mario Biondo01/01/194438812 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mario Calcaterra01/01/194315851 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mario Valentino Abila01/01/199738690 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mario Xavier Mahone01/01/198738054 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marion Carmella Rocke01/01/196438888 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marissa Leigh Schmid01/01/198638298 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marjan Nikolla Lulgjurevic01/01/198238509 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Bernard Gauthier01/01/198615717 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mark Draper Winningham01/01/195238785 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Kelly McCallum01/01/198015981 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Kenneth Melms01/01/195315992 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Kenneth Peterson01/01/196416138 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Micakovic01/01/199938724 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Neil Brown01/01/195938358 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mark Owen Tabor01/01/196238052 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marlene Jean Young01/01/196138060 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marlene Petoskey01/01/194415832 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marlin Louis Koprin01/01/195015953 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marlin Ryan01/01/198815496 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marsha Mae Scott01/01/194715303 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marti Jo Fernandez01/01/195638048 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Marven Williams Stewart01/01/196638107 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marvin Douglas Woodard01/01/198715650 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Agatha Dillehay01/01/193738095 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Ann Cooper01/01/198916229 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Beatrice Bridges01/01/192938558 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Cecile Need01/01/195615375 River Ln, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Elizabeth Debonville01/01/195915987 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Jo Vandercruyssen01/01/196038816 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Joann Degraw01/01/195438429 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Lou Mason01/01/195438567 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Margaret Konwerski01/01/195538764 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mary Polis Allen01/01/199015760 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mary Victoria Howell01/01/196115375 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maryann Camarata01/01/194915405 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maryann Redwood01/01/198838213 Parfait Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Maryanne Biondo Dillon01/01/196038669 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maryelena Youkhanna01/01/200238623 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Marzia Salma Khanom01/01/198838313 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Matina Sperry01/01/197038320 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Matthew Alan Byrd01/01/197415862 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Matthew Daniel Cendrowski01/01/199038066 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Matthew Lawrence Henningsen01/01/199815734 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Matthew Thomas Petroske01/01/197738848 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Matthew-Jason Parrom Owens01/01/198938068 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mattie Mae Siebert01/01/195338004 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maudrie Luellen Porter01/01/195338034 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Maurice Rontez McBride01/01/198015823 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Maurice Udell Spaulding01/01/195838788 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Maxwell John Heiderer01/01/194015380 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Megan Bell Bonacci01/01/198515363 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Megan Leigh Vorce01/01/199116176 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Megan Lyn Berg01/01/198437480 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Megan Marie Kove01/01/198738020 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mekeba Aldina Massey-Worthy01/01/196838832 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Melisa Ann Patterson01/01/197638658 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Melissa Ann Hoban01/01/198338310 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Melissa Ann Omeara01/01/198238051 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Melissa Danielle Danis01/01/197638673 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Melissa Jean Cassie01/01/199415381 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mellissa Ann Greene01/01/196838691 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mercurio Orlando01/01/195038692 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Merna Jarbo01/01/198938323 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Alex Ryan01/01/198615496 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Burton Wilson01/01/200216127 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Charles Venditto01/01/195138753 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michael Dangelo Williams01/01/197115366 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael David Celmer01/01/195138702 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michael Dennis Stodulski01/01/194438853 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Donat Lozier01/01/195438765 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Edwin Tomkiewicz01/01/198538776 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Gordon Cronk01/01/198138869 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael James Gressman01/01/197815793 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Jamieson Rivas01/01/198338079 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Jason Reardon01/01/198116120 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michael Joseph Kiser01/01/198616155 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Joseph McElmeel01/01/194138630 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Joseph Schneider01/01/197138930 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michael Konot01/01/197638576 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Lee Zurowick01/01/196838008 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Patrick Conlon01/01/196738648 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Paul Poziemski01/01/198716248 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Richard Hughes01/01/197816193 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Robert Degraw01/01/195338429 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Robert Miserlian01/01/198538463 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Shawn Daley01/01/197338150 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michael Stoll01/01/196038107 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michael Thomas Moceri01/01/196538738 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michael Todd Fruciano01/01/196138634 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michele Lynn Skutnick01/01/197115340 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michele Lynne Neubert01/01/196816181 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michele Marie Reiley01/01/197238703 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Ann Laforest01/01/197838038 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Darlene Dombrowski01/01/196738651 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Dinice Matthews01/01/199338052 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michelle Elizabeth Grenier01/01/196538919 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Elizabeth Odoerfer01/01/198738801 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Lee Chamberlain01/01/197716185 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Michelle Lennette Myles-Blue01/01/199315909 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Marie Jackson01/01/197916237 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Marie Newton01/01/196738725 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Mary Miron01/01/196338775 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle May Ohse01/01/197816161 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Renee Steinkamp01/01/196515893 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Michelle Westbrook Estell01/01/196938739 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Milad Sawa01/01/198838330 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Milton James Qualls01/01/194638722 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Minela Trnovac Zunic01/01/198938547 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Minnie Pellerito01/01/191638924 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Miranda Elizabeth Novak01/01/199515301 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mirela Nazarko01/01/197538911 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Miskou Polis01/01/195315760 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mitchell Bomier Nardin01/01/198338062 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Miyaka Danielle Polin01/01/199515370 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mohamed Seifeldin Alalousi01/01/198615743 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Mohammed Najib Abduljabbar01/01/195215743 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Morenike Lasonia Rushing01/01/197915893 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Morgan Krystyna Zielke01/01/199938819 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Morgan Taylor Dushaj01/01/199638633 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Muna Zaya Zaya01/01/197738759 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Mustafa Zunic01/01/198538547 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Myllysia Faith Ostrander01/01/197515942 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nadine Abner Scott01/01/196338072 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nahed Adil Ankawe01/01/197438870 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Naiya A. Estell01/01/199838739 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nancica Lazenby01/01/197038944 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nancy Ann Saylor01/01/194738105 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nancy Jane Dwyer01/01/193537706 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nancy Lee Relph01/01/196615660 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nancy Loraine Jallad01/01/196315368 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nancy Lynn Zettner01/01/195438155 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nancy Patricia Czelada01/01/194837720 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nancy Susan Smith01/01/196615351 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Natalie Roseann-frances Selweski01/01/198438778 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nathaniel Gaddis01/01/198415913 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nawal I. Cholagh01/01/195638297 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nebojsa Acich01/01/197015438 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Neetu Pasricha Khullar01/01/197338881 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicholas Clark Laffrey01/01/197838011 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicholas Cody Taylor01/01/199538877 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nicholas Joel Mayes01/01/199038103 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nicholas Peter Nikpreljevic01/01/199938670 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicholas Raul Papadas01/01/196437746 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nichole Marie Schall01/01/197938136 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nichole Marie Strachan01/01/198338080 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicolas Anthony Muscat01/01/199315389 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicole Beth Sullivan01/01/197816001 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicole Denise Byrd01/01/197215862 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicole Lorraine Harris01/01/198638070 Pardo Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nicole Marie Rubino01/01/197338880 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Nikola Micakovic01/01/195638706 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nikolaus Robert Jost01/01/195738750 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Norma Anne Charvat01/01/195938391 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Norman Joesph Popa01/01/194738837 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
November Sue Lorway01/01/196738043 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nykita Nash Berry01/01/196838336 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Nytia Latrice Arrington01/01/199416213 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Okcue Lawaunda Pearson01/01/197638163 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Olguta Mariana Jelcin01/01/197038932 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Olvin Toylise Pettway01/01/197915337 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Paige Katherine Paoletti01/01/199538086 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paige Leeann Whitehead01/01/199038007 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Paige Marie Morgan01/01/199215312 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Paige Noelle Williams01/01/200215220 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Pamela Ann Farley01/01/195016043 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Pamela Gail Mahloy01/01/194838650 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Pamela Jane Henderson01/01/195215890 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Pamela Kay Heath01/01/196838069 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Pamela Lynn Krajenka01/01/196838710 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Pamela Pearle Plotzke01/01/195838840 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Ann Bergstrom01/01/194837771 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Ann Dominik01/01/196815382 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Ann Hanson01/01/195238073 Cordon Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Patricia Ann Longan01/01/199815876 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Ann Martin01/01/195516233 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Ann Tannahill01/01/196615917 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Patricia Gay Collins01/01/196938037 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Jean Chakroff01/01/194738904 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Lorine Loving01/01/194938670 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patricia Studinger Dewandeler01/01/195238630 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patrick Gjolaj01/01/198838301 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Patrick Jon Lorway01/01/196638043 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patrick Lashauwn Parker01/01/198215261 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patrick Michael Partridge01/01/197215424 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Patrick R. Mischle01/01/195415334 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul Daniel Couturier01/01/196115969 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul David Keyes01/01/197115634 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul David Lee01/01/195138945 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul Douglas Constance01/01/197238060 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul E. Sparks01/01/195438713 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul Edward Billiter01/01/196815984 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paul Williams01/01/196615823 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paula Ann Ireland01/01/195638004 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Paulette Humphrey01/01/197215333 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Pearl Ann Moceri01/01/196038331 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Penelope Tanishe Stallworth-McDonald01/01/197315353 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Peter Edward Klenner01/01/196415382 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Peter Polis01/01/195315760 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Philip Michael Jankens01/01/195538795 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Philip Wayne Dillon01/01/195438669 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Phillip Ciaramitaro01/01/194215445 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Phyllis Judy Biernat01/01/193838764 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Piotr Pawel Sokalski01/01/198338643 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Quayshun Jamaal King01/01/197838054 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rachael Cara Garibaldi01/01/199238145 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rachel Anna Sparks01/01/199638713 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rachel Anne Chalmers01/01/198315875 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rachel Elizabeth Kilcher01/01/198138071 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rachel Lynn Hynous01/01/198538317 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ralph Arnold Consiglio01/01/194915984 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ralph Thomas Bell01/01/196938112 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ram Murti Khullar01/01/196838881 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rana Joseph Zaya01/01/198138721 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rana Tomas Bako01/01/197938297 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Randall Matthew Sayranian01/01/195938043 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Randy Jo Steinkamp01/01/195615893 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Randy Scotty Norman01/01/195438022 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Randy Walter Jackson01/01/197316237 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rani H. Ankawe01/01/199638870 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rania Ankawe01/01/199738870 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Raphael Shelton01/01/196838043 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Raymond Carl Skurda01/01/194315820 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Raymond Clarence Van-Haverbeck01/01/197238095 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Raymond Harold Hale01/01/199938030 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Raymond P. Vincent01/01/195615897 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rayshun Allen Booker01/01/197438097 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rebecca Alicia Sinz01/01/198315860 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rebecca Ann Bartaway01/01/195716010 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rebecca Sue Clark01/01/197415321 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rebecka Lynn Najor01/01/199338654 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Regina Andrea Cooper01/01/198015309 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Reginald William Emerson01/01/196315995 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Regis Jamar Willis01/01/199838616 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Remar Curri Willis01/01/197038616 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Renee Ann Nolan01/01/197238945 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Renee Denise Gardner01/01/196715338 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Renee E. Clark01/01/196816241 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Renika Raydone Woods01/01/198938048 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rezwan Hussain Khan01/01/197338312 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rhonda Gail Woods01/01/195938558 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Alexander Delvecchio01/01/194838841 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Clifford Loch01/01/194338907 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard D. Tengler01/01/194638848 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Richard Duane Terrell01/01/196038434 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Richard Edward Mulder01/01/195816217 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Fredrick Alstead01/01/195215371 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Richard James Edin01/01/195715365 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Richard James Malinowski01/01/195638122 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Jerome Kibler01/01/195715308 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Patrick Fredal01/01/196738912 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Raymond Bondy01/01/196637760 Hayes Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Ronald Mansky01/01/196115372 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Tabbi01/01/192615786 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richard Turczynski01/01/196215944 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Richelle Lee Laffrey01/01/198438011 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rita Bernadette Ryall01/01/195515386 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rita Evelyn Riddle01/01/197138045 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rita Gaye Bondy01/01/195838540 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ritha Jean Parker01/01/196815261 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Allan Bien01/01/195838326 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Barrett Mahloy01/01/194638650 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Charles Lipinski01/01/194338676 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Gordon Fyfe01/01/198915994 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Robert James Grivna01/01/195915314 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Robert James Murphy01/01/196138511 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Kortez Geter01/01/199938113 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Robert Lee McGee01/01/193738829 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Louis Siwka01/01/196738637 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Matthew Snay01/01/197038127 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Paul Chubb01/01/199038144 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Robert Paul Dubey01/01/195738949 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert Vincent Michon01/01/196638633 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robert William Denoyer01/01/195238856 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robin Carole Klotz01/01/197315998 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robin Lynn Oosterveen01/01/196838931 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Robin Sheila Griffin01/01/195016189 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rochelle Kaye Klenner01/01/196715382 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rochelle M. Venditto01/01/195538753 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rochelle Marie Malinowski01/01/198715312 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rocky Mohamed Mestari01/01/196538814 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rocky Rrok Sinistaj01/01/196338543 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rodney Frank Boskovich01/01/197715452 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rodney Joseph Zalewski01/01/195538665 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rodney Paul Pessina01/01/196138821 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Rodney Williams01/01/196515835 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rona Dennine Richards01/01/196438835 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ronald David Albers01/01/194438634 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ronald John Szalewicz01/01/194538763 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ronda Nicole Blackburn01/01/199038335 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ronnie Lee Peace01/01/195938780 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rosalia Cusumano Orlando01/01/194838692 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rosalie Joan Spaulding01/01/195838788 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rosalyn Katrice Robinson01/01/198116112 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rosemary Bray01/01/194515334 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rosemary Turckes Barker01/01/195738486 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Rosemary Williams01/01/194815791 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Roxanne Nicole Zurowick01/01/197738008 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Roy Chester Starks01/01/197815893 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Roy Michael Jones01/01/196138594 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Russell Allan Pack01/01/195438147 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ruth Ann Sharp01/01/195515865 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ruth Mae Coker01/01/194338919 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ryan Easton Schmid01/01/198338298 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Ryan Ronald Selvidge01/01/199616154 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Ryszard Franciszek Pelc01/01/197715961 Cherry Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sabina Sardar01/01/197938312 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sabrina D. Kirksey01/01/196638018 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sabrina Eason-Jones01/01/196738615 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sabrina Haudek01/01/195738833 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sabrina Nicole Brown01/01/197515893 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sadie A. Hilmus01/01/194438733 Gainsborough Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sadiyyah Naimah Mutakabbir01/01/197915371 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sali K. Hanna01/01/198838305 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Salim S. Akrawe01/01/194038923 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sally Christian Hasiak01/01/197738179 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sally Jo Murphy01/01/196338511 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Salvatore Filippo Leone01/01/197738960 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Salvatore John Abate01/01/195537745 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Samantha Polis01/01/199415760 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Samantha Rose Provost01/01/199738210 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Samira Iskander Saffo01/01/194038487 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Samuel Basilico01/01/195715843 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sanders Gregory Hawkins01/01/199538044 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sandra Gale Brookins01/01/195815379 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sandra Kay Dugger01/01/194738952 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sandra Kay Olmack01/01/196138504 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sandra Leah McPherson01/01/193738472 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Santino Polidori01/01/195338939 Sahr Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sara Elizabeth Kyle01/01/197638669 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sara Lyn McClellan01/01/198216150 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sarah Anne Lavere01/01/199715855 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sarah Beth Seifert01/01/198016111 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sarah Catherine Nakoneczny01/01/199515367 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sarah Elizabeth-rebecca Young01/01/199538042 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Savannah Hope Danis01/01/200238673 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sawsan Oraha Isho01/01/197738529 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Scott Christopher McGovern01/01/196638558 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Scott George Price01/01/196116003 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sean Michael McDonald01/01/197538634 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sergiu Flaviu Ifrim01/01/198815813 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shane Curtis Clark01/01/198915867 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shane Richard Fox01/01/197638732 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shanie Norma Durst01/01/197338066 Cordon Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shannel Nicole Martin01/01/198015315 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shannon Lee Tackett01/01/197815816 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shannon Lynn Semik01/01/199115806 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shannon Michelle Petroske01/01/197738848 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shante Denee Williams01/01/199138042 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shari Lynn Albers01/01/196515780 17 Mile Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sharon Ann Langlotz01/01/194816277 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sharon Diane Obrien01/01/193737754 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sharon L. Gardin01/01/196215310 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sharon Marie Matheson01/01/194737722 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sharonann Benskey Laliberte01/01/195115429 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shaun Michael Fustin01/01/198038357 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shawn Akil Mio01/01/198038328 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shayla Marie House01/01/199938302 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shayna Sheng Kue01/01/199115843 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shayne Edward Omeara01/01/200238051 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sheila Faye Lovett01/01/196016153 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sheila Hargrove Blackburn01/01/195838107 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sheila Marie Burgess01/01/196815810 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shelbie Annmarie Shoupe01/01/199838077 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sheldon Edward Zurowick01/01/200038008 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shelley Dawn Fusinski01/01/196615322 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sherena Capri Teamer01/01/198938073 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sherita Rene House01/01/197738302 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sherry Ann Schultz01/01/196438065 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sherry Lynn Erreghaoui01/01/196338118 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sherry Lynn Taylor01/01/197216217 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sheryl Anne Chamberlain01/01/196138114 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sheryl Joy Edens01/01/195038905 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sheryl Lynn Basilico01/01/196515843 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shirley Ann Barlog01/01/194138869 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shirley Lois Willey01/01/193616273 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Shirley Moceri01/01/193538738 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Shona A. Schoenian01/01/198438058 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Simon James Byrnes01/01/199838472 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Skyler Madison Montgomery01/01/200215398 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Slivia Kamil Hanna01/01/199038305 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sonja Makrievska01/01/196738468 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Sonya Malinda Collier01/01/196938038 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stacy Leigh Gilliam01/01/195638016 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stacy Lynn Byrnes01/01/196838472 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Stacy Marie Ragland01/01/197538671 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stanley Labuda01/01/195338699 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stefan Makrievski01/01/199538468 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Stefanie Leigh Coleman01/01/198538118 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stefanie Rene Goul01/01/197638777 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Stella Catherine Johnson01/01/195138068 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephanie Brooke Muller01/01/199138615 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephanie Marie Grier01/01/200015916 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephanie Marie Turberville01/01/199016149 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephanie Michelle Green01/01/199738210 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephanie Pickett01/01/197115358 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Stephanie Rogalski01/01/194838793 Windmill Pointe N, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Stephen Andrew Muller01/01/199038615 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephen John Sawaya01/01/197815846 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stephen Richard Gelardi01/01/197016262 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Steven Harvie Whitehead01/01/195816039 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Steven Lawrence House01/01/197838302 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Steven Michael Bass01/01/196015856 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Steven Michael Saylor01/01/195538105 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Steven Paul Peterson01/01/195038396 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Steven Thomas Drago01/01/198538050 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Stevens D. Gardin01/01/196215310 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sue Barbara Smith01/01/196938057 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Summer Rayne West01/01/200238109 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sundus Sabah Saffo01/01/197138487 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Susan Ann Johnston01/01/194938694 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susan Camille Demsky01/01/196038219 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susan Dragun01/01/195338828 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susan Jean Jarzembowski01/01/196615397 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susan Marie Biernat01/01/196138764 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susan Marie Bird01/01/195115847 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susan Mathison Feld01/01/196216688 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Susana Nagy01/01/194015970 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sylvia Rose Maryonovich01/01/194838803 Windmill Pointe W, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Sylvonica Ann Madlock01/01/197538770 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tajune Gerrine Collins01/01/199816241 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tamara Ann Novak01/01/195915301 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tamara Charise Boyd01/01/197238024 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tamara Laneille Merriweather01/01/198215325 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tamatha Lee McKendrick01/01/196715366 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tamika Larosa Holder01/01/197616236 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tammy Sue Bien01/01/196438326 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tanisha Marie Booker01/01/197538097 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tara Lynn Frampton01/01/199638653 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Taylor Nicholle-ann Shock01/01/199538082 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tera Genesis Hannah01/01/198438151 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Teresa Lynn Edens01/01/196616266 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Terrance Lavone Jackson01/01/196915816 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Terri Ann Mischle01/01/195615334 Danseur Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Terry Angela Bowers01/01/196538948 Windmill Pointe E, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Terry Jejuan Bradley01/01/198338013 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Terry Leonard Nieman01/01/196615820 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Terry Lynn Adkins01/01/195638578 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Theodore Joseph Laliberte01/01/195015429 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Theresa Ann Akrawe01/01/194338923 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Theresa Ann Tannahill01/01/200115917 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Thomas Albert Whittaker01/01/196615365 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Allen Hendricks01/01/195915810 Bexley St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Anthony Breger01/01/196115879 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Thomas Arnold Nix01/01/194715333 River Ln, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Clark Lewis01/01/194638030 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Edward Gardiner01/01/193738685 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Ernest Papais01/01/196015421 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Howard Ohse01/01/195216189 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas James Need01/01/195415375 River Ln, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Jeffrey Homak01/01/196615334 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Thomas John Parison01/01/198038710 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Joseph Kozlinski01/01/197116180 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Keith Trudeau01/01/195338946 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Michael Lally01/01/194338837 Windmill Pointe S, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Thomas Michael Schultz01/01/195837760 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Moceri01/01/193538738 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Nicholas Tomes01/01/197338076 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Oscel Bondy01/01/195738540 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Thomas Roy Rodriguez01/01/197138759 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tia Marie Van-Haverbeck01/01/200038095 Johannes Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tiara Michelle McBride-Gibbons01/01/199115823 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tiffany Ann-marie Mariano-Lins01/01/198816216 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Timothy Brian Gainer01/01/196238033 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Timothy Donald Mayo01/01/197638318 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Timothy James Shock01/01/199438082 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Timothy James-francis Smith01/01/195938924 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Timothy John Urbanski01/01/198638171 Canari Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Timothy John West01/01/197938109 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Timothy Mark Martin01/01/196238077 Marlene Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Timothy Mark Martin01/01/198415377 Cartier Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Timothy Michael Alley01/01/198015884 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Timothy Pol Cook01/01/196638900 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tina Evette Early01/01/196138107 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tina Marie Dover01/01/198938027 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tom Henry McKinnon01/01/196238113 Saint Tropez Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Toma Micakovic01/01/196038724 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tommy Leonard Poplawski01/01/194837768 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Toni Kay Stewart01/01/195715365 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tracy Ann Albers01/01/196138737 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tracy Ellen Turczi01/01/196938058 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tracy Lynn Cook01/01/198338900 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tracy Lynn Semik01/01/196815806 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Travis Michael Hatfield01/01/199015920 Marentette Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Travis Miles Stong01/01/199516225 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Trey Micheal Leach01/01/199615919 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tricia Kamon01/01/198038690 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tricia Marie Neithofer01/01/197438159 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Trina Michaelle Bauer01/01/197038038 Versailles St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Troy Darnel Hay01/01/199115338 Parquet Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tyler Bradly Emery01/01/199916185 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Tyler James Eslinger01/01/199438064 Minuet Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tyler Michael Pypkowski01/01/199215349 Dominique Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Tyson Charles Chamberlain01/01/197216185 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Uliian Ivanov Parvanov01/01/196515920 Chelmsford St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Valentina Sinistaj01/01/197638543 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Valerie Ann Robinson01/01/196116221 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Valory Odette La-Vere01/01/200215855 Charlemagne W Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Vanessa Jane Cole01/01/199538316 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Vesna Veljanovski01/01/197138080 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Vickie Lynn Brown01/01/195116107 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Victoria Ann McDonald01/01/197438634 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Victoria Ann Youngski01/01/199516212 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Victoria Rose Markland01/01/199316155 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Virginia Belle Laduron01/01/196438060 Le Chateau Blvd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Virginia Louise Wilhelm01/01/196215363 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Virginia Pawenski01/01/194115221 Arno Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Virginia Sison Cole01/01/196438316 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Walter Edward McCleary01/01/194616209 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Walter Lee Gordon01/01/196837771 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Walter Louis Darilek01/01/194215376 Enchante Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Wangombe Keeling01/01/197338293 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Wayne Douglas Wright01/01/197338450 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Wayne Thomas Tabenske01/01/196038672 Levisham Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Wendy Lynn Marshall01/01/196938032 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Wesley Earl Berry01/01/196538336 Maple Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Wesley Warren McBroom01/01/199138007 Leverette Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
William Anthony Bigelow01/01/194938832 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
William Arther Allen01/01/197138085 Ducharme Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
William Edward Gruzwalski01/01/195538109 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
William Frederick Smith01/01/194338679 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
William John Clos01/01/196716047 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
William John Moir01/01/193638934 Steiner Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
William Lee Patterson01/01/197438157 Delacroix Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
William Litwaitis01/01/197015846 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
William Michael Jones01/01/195538585 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
William Ross Thomas01/01/198337730 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
William Wray Varney01/01/198916237 Charlemagne Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Willodean Jones01/01/193637737 Pebble Pointe Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Wilma Eudene Thompson01/01/193238558 Cheldon St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Yolanda Kaye Mayo01/01/197238318 Pine Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Yvonne Cynthia Claes01/01/196838087 Orleans St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zachary John-billiter Rotta01/01/199515984 Clinton River Rd, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Zachary Neil Brown01/01/199838358 Ammerst Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zachary Tyler Lennox01/01/199315995 Villaire Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zachery Anthonhy Yerkovich01/01/199738029 Chilver Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Zackary William Randall01/01/200015839 Croatia Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zainab Hussein Al-Badri01/01/196638836 Gainsborough Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Zaklina Mndrucic01/01/197237742 Pebble Pointe Ct, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zamia Janae Tankersley01/01/199516216 Notre Dame St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Zandra Denise Peterson01/01/195816138 Normandy St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zef Djonovic01/01/194638570 Wingate Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted
Zina Renee Ellis01/01/197616246 Frontenac Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Zoja Micakovic01/01/196138706 Bramham St, Clinton Township, MI 48038Didn't Vote
Zora Acovski01/01/194015438 Leighton Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48038Voted



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