State Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Mich.)
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Elected State Legislators
Recent News About State Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Mich.)
Wozniak: Michigan budget protects local governments and schools
Despite a rough year dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan cities, counties, towns and schools fared well in the new state budget plan that passed the the House and Senate, according to Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R- Shelby Township).
Wozniak introduces prescription drug legislation and medical reform package
Rep. Doug Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) recently introduced legislation intended to help Michigan residents by addressing the increasing costs of prescription medications.
Wozniak touts telemedicine bill passage as a boon for rural Michiganders
Michigan Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) said the passage of telehealth legislation signed into law by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on June 24 will give the state’s residents the flexibility to communicate with doctors on the status of their medical conditions using the internet.
Wozniak supports bill to give school districts more control when reopening
House Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) is urging passage of a new proposal that will provide school districts in Macomb County more say in school-related decisions as school is set to resume in the fall, a Michigan House Republicans release stated.
Wozniak announces new website for Michiganders to share COVID-19 stories
Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) is getting the word out that there is a new way for residents of Michigan to get the help they need in the wake of COVID-19.
Wozniak proposes legislation to protect elderly citizens against fraud
Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) announced a plan that would make it more difficult to use powers of attorney in an exploitative manner in Michigan.
Rep. Wozniak votes for measure to check Gov. Whitmer's power
Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) voted for a measure that would check the power the governor has been using during the state of emergency and restore balance among the branches of government.
Rep. Wozniak issues response to governor’s transportation plan
Following Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s unveiling of a new plan to bond for road funding, State Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R-Shelby Township) issued a statement calling it “severely irresponsible.” The plan would require paying back the more than $3 billion borrowed at a high rate of interest.