Employees of the Sterling Heights Department of Public Works are gearing up for another season of collecting goods for those less fortunate with the Ken Stempowski Memorial Food Drive.
From Make Macomb Your Home: "The countdown is on! We are one week away from the official launch of Shop Local Macomb - which runs from Nov. 17 through Dec. 4.
The Macomb County Health Department is hosting a free two-part infant safe sleep event for anyone who is pregnant, or a parent or caregiver of an infant under the age of one.
The Sterling Heights has engaged urban forestry consulting firm Davey Resource Group Inc. to conduct a comprehensive inventory and assessment of an estimated 37,500 trees on public streets in City parks.
A variety of gently used puzzles, jewelry, purses, scarves and watches available for an unbeatable price; including spiritual-labeled books for half-off!
Notice is hereby given to any and all interested parties that the City of Fraser is seeking public comment on its Five-Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
November 1st – known to many as the day after Halloween or even the start of the holiday season – to Schwarzkoff Elementary students this year it was the Day of Awesomeness!
The Sterling Heights Sustainability Commission was awarded the Outstanding Resiliency and Sustainability Award for the 2022 Planning Excellence Awards by the Michigan Association of Planners (MAP/APA Michigan) at their annual conference on Oct. 12.
The Sterling Basketball League (SBL), in partnership with the Sterling Heights Parks and Recreation Department, provides boys and girls grades 1-12 with the opportunity to learn and grow their basketball skills in a fun and encouraging environment!