
Shelby Review

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

6,673 multiracial students enrolled in Macomb County schools in 2022-23 school year

Webp superintendent of public instruction michael f rice 2023

MI Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael F. Rice 2023 | Michigan Department of Education

MI Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael F. Rice 2023 | Michigan Department of Education

There were 6,673 multiracial students enrolled in Macomb County schools in the 2022-23 school year, 4.1% more than the previous year, according to the Michigan Department of Education.

Data showed that Macomb County welcomed 116,868 students during the 2022-23 school year. Among them, multiracial students comprised 5.7% of the student body to be the third highest represented ethnicity in the county.

Among the 228 schools in Macomb County, Chippewa Valley High School recorded the highest enrollment of multiracial students in the 2022-23 school year, with a total of 124 students.

Overall student enrollment in Michigan remains below pre-pandemic levels, with white students experiencing the largest decline at 6.5%.

Academic performance has also suffered, with the state's average NAEP score dropping by 6.5 points and ethnic achievement gaps have widened. Black and Hispanic students' average math proficiency dropped by 7% in 2022, to 13.5% and 28.2%, respectively.

Ethnicities in Macomb County in 2022-23 School Year

White [62.9%]African American [21.6%]Multiracial [5.7%]Asian [5.7%]Ethnicities < 5% [4.1%]

Enrollment Demographics in Macomb County Schools During 2022-23 School Year

School name% of multiracial students enrolmentTotal enrollment
Chippewa Valley High School5.62,221
Dakota High School3.72,723
Lakeview High School6.81,465
Center Line Preparatory Academy11.5774
L'Anse Creuse High School - North5.31,588
Fraser High School5.41,524
Jefferson Middle School8.6956
Prevail Academy13.7585
L'Anse Creuse High School6.21,246
Ojibwa Elementary School11670
Cousino Senior High School5.31,279
Adlai Stevenson High School3.22,005
Joseph M. Carkenord Elementary School9.7650
Warren Woods Tower High School5.71,052
Westview Elementary School13.3451
Richards Middle School7.8765
Princeton Elementary School9.6622
Atwood Elementary School9.2652
Henry Ford II High School3.41,717
Seneca Middle School5.21,108
Great Oaks Academy7.5744
Lake Shore High School5.9950
Roseville Middle School8.3659
Westwood Elementary School10.6508
McKinley Elementary School15.4344
Ottawa Elementary School10.6500
Warren Mott High School3.81,385
Crothers Elementary School15.2341
Seminole Academy13.8370
Marjorie Carlson Elementary School14.6349
Sterling Heights Senior High School3.71,389
Algonquin Middle School10.3497
Rodgers Elementary School9.8523
Clinton Valley Elementary School14.9328
Kennedy Middle School6.9694
New Haven Elementary School9.6498
Reach Charter Academy8.1577
Green Elementary School10.2460
Romeo High School2.71,715
Huron Park Elementary School10.1447
Carter Middle School6.6684
Oakbrook Elementary School8.2535
South River Elementary School8.6514
Jack Harvey Elementary School10.3427
Roseville High School3.51,216
Center Line High School6.5663
Tenniswood Elementary School12.1356
Mark C. Roose Elementary School8.8489
L'Anse Creuse Middle School - East7618
Fitzgerald Senior High School5.2806
Lincoln Middle School10.5401
May V. Peck Elementary School11.7358
L'Anse Creuse Middle School - North6.6635
Romeo Middle School3.41,192
Mound Park Elementary School15.4260
L'Anse Creuse Middle School - Central7.4544
Wolfe Middle School7.8500
Wyandot Middle School4.6848
Graebner Elementary School7.1549
Masonic Heights Elementary School8.2473
Cherokee Elementary School7.1548
Huron Elementary School8485
P. D. Chatterton Middle School9.3410
Shawnee Elementary School5.4699
Warren Woods Middle School5.2707
Joseph G. Steenland Elementary School9399
Arts Academy in the Woods11.4316
Marie C. Graham Elementary School10.8334
Elmwood Elementary School10.1345
Wilde Elementary School6.5538
Iroquois Middle School4.2843
Miami Elementary School7.1482
Briarwood Elementary School10.2332
Eisenhower Elementary School8.7390
Utica High School2.51,368
Eisenhower High School1.91,835
Lincoln Elementary School9.3355
Clintondale Middle School9.5349
Beer Middle School4.4745
Kaiser Elementary School15.2217
Walt Disney Elementary School8.6384
Greenwood Elementary School8.1405
Mark Twain Elementary School9.7340
Eastpointe High School5.1633
Cromie Elementary School5.6570
West Utica Elementary School6.6483
Donald J. Yacks Elementary School9.9323
South Lake High School6516
Continuing Education Center11.2277
Wilkerson Elementary School7441
Harmon Elementary School8.9348
Havel Elementary School5.3586
Burr Elementary School5.6554
Floyd Ebeling Elementary School4.4699
Eastpointe Middle School6.5464
Lincoln High School6.8440
Merritt Academy5.4551
Salk Elementary School6.5465
Francis A. Higgins Elementary School7.1421
Amanda Moore Elementary School6.3476
L'Anse Creuse Middle School - South7.5389
Rainbow Elementary School11.6249
Thomas A. Edison Elementary School7.9365
John R. Kment Elementary School12.6230
Bemis Junior High School3.6805
Davis Junior High School4728
Plumbrook Elementary School6.3461
Crescentwood Elementary School12.1232
Frank Jeannette Junior High School4.3656
Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School7.8360
Ardmore Elementary School7.3381
Fountain Elementary School9.3289
Violet Elementary School6451
Dekeyser Elementary School5.1525
Fox Elementary School5.3487
Harwood Elementary School5.2497
Emma V. Lobbestael Elementary School8.9293
Beacon Tree Elementary School3.6725
Avalon Elementary School8313
Eastland Middle School8.3302
Charles C. McGlinnen School11.4219
Grissom Middle School3.6697
Malow Junior High School2.41,043
Anchor Bay Middle School South5.2480
Morgan Elementary School4.2594
Dean A. Naldrett School7.4338
Heritage Junior High School5.4448
Mohawk Elementary School5476
Crissman Elementary School3.9615
Hevel Elementary School5.7423
Carleton Middle School3.5659
DiAnne M. Pellerin Center9.6240
Academy 2111.7197
Flickinger Elementary School5.2443
Erie Elementary School5.4427
Browning Elementary School6.5353
Richard J. Duncan Elementary School3.3701
South Lake Middle School7.4299
Black Elementary School5.2421
Pinewood Elementary School5.6396
Washington Elementary School6.2353
Clintondale High School5.5383
Mount Clemens Middle School13.9151
Lucile S. Patton Elementary School11.9177
Dort Elementary School9.3225
Green Acres Elementary School4.3486
Siersma Elementary School4.9426
Lean Elementary School3.8558
Cheyenne Elementary School4.7451
Dresden Elementary School5.1413
Switzer Elementary School3.8556
Mount Clemens High School9.9203
Huron Academy Grades 3-85.1396
Endeavour Elementary and Middle School4499
Schofield Elementary School12.8156
International Academy of Macomb4.5446
Richmond Community High School3.8530
Roberts Elementary School4506
Eppler Junior High School3.1616
Anchor Bay Middle School North2.7705
Mt. Clemens Montessori Academy6.7269
Schwarzkoff Elementary School3.1580
Wiley Elementary School3.5510
Great Oaks Elementary School3.9462
Jefferson Elementary School4.1412
Shelby Junior High School1.71,025
Bellview Elementary School7.1224
New Haven High School4.4364
Issac Monfort Elementary School3533
Messmore Elementary School4.7341
Robbie Hall Parker School4.8313
Bruce Collins Elementary School3.5428
Lottie M. Schmidt Elementary School4.7316
Ashley Elementary School3.5427
Huron Academy Grades K-25.6248
Lighthouse Elementary School3.1445
Indian Hills Elementary School3.2432
Willow Woods Elementary School4328
Schuchard Elementary School2637
Richmond Middle School2.3562
Chippewa Valley Adult and Mohegan Alternative Education8.6140
Sequoyah Elementary School2.3524
Orville C. Krause Elementary School1.6752
Forest Park Elementary School3.7294
Michigan Collegiate Elementary School4.6237
Pleasantview Elementary School4.5242
Academy of Warren1.1802
Bozymowski Center2.8318
UCS Alternative Learning Center4.6196
Macomb Montessori Academy3.2248
Armada High School1.4585
Eastpointe Virtual Academy5.5127
Keith Bovenschen School3.1224
Fitzgerald Virtual Academy9.971
North Lake High School6.1115
Middle School Mathematics Science Technology Center7.692
Lutz School for Work Experience2.2274
Warren Consolidated Community High School4.5132
Holden Elementary School1.7346
Beck Centennial Elementary School1.3460
Lakeview Virtual School8.769
Will L. Lee School1.3474
Armada Middle School1.6382
Michigan Collegiate Middle/High School0.8638
Michigan Mathematics and Science Academy Dequindre0.9587
Glen H. Peters School1.9258
Warren Woods Enterprise High School5.591
Oak Park Virtual Academy0.9444
New Dawn Academy of Warren5.376
Michigan Mathematics and Science Academy Lorraine1.9154
Success Academy3.781
Rockwell Middle School4.567
Lake Huron Virtual Hybrid High School5.357
Rising Stars Academy2100
Macomb Academy2.773
Eaton Academy0.3332
Neil E. Reid High School196
Macomb County Juvenile Justice Center School3.826
Maple Lane School1.953
Frontier International Academy Elementary0.4273
Noor International Academy0.6160
Macomb Math Science Technology Center1001
Memphis Junior/Senior High School0409
Eastpointe Alternative Center04
Sugarbush Early Childhood014
Warren Woods Adult Education02
Macomb Correctional Facility01
Armada Continuing Education Center010


Bemis Junior High SchoolOjibwa Elementary SchoolBeacon Tree Elementary SchoolOak Park Virtual AcademyCharles C. McGlinnen SchoolMaple Lane SchoolLighthouse Elementary SchoolMark Twain Elementary SchoolFountain Elementary SchoolJefferson Elementary SchoolAnchor Bay Middle School SouthSchwarzkoff Elementary SchoolContinuing Educational CenterSeneca Middle SchoolEastpointe Virtual AcademyJoseph M. Carkenord Elementary SchoolInternational Academy of MacombMacomb County Juvenile Justice Center SchoolRichard J. Duncan Elementary SchoolRodgers Elementary SchoolMacomb Montessori AcademyMalow Junior High SchoolSchofield Elementary SchoolBeer Middle SchoolAmanda Moore Elementary SchoolCenter Line High SchoolHuron Park Elementary SchoolShawnee Elementary SchoolLake Huron Virtual And Hybrid High SchoolCrissman Elementary SchoolRobbie Hall Parker SchoolP.d. Chatterton Middle SchoolRising Stars AcademyFloyd Ebeling Elementary SchoolFraser High SchoolChippewa Valley Adult And Mohegan Alt. Educational.Eastland Middle SchoolConner Creek Academy East-Mi Collegiate High SchoolArdmore Elementary SchoolEppler Junior High SchoolBruce Collins Elementary SchoolEndeavour Middle SchoolSchuchard Elementary SchoolNeil E. Reid High SchoolArmada High SchoolBriarwood Elementary SchoolL'Anse Creuse Middle School - CentralCarleton Middle SchoolBellview Elementary SchoolRoseville Middle SchoolAlgonquin Middle SchoolPinewood Elementary SchoolRainbow Elementary SchoolHenry Ford II High SchoolDianne M. Pellerin CenterEastpointe Alternative CenterConner Creek Academy EastFrancis A. Higgins Elem. SchoolDort Elementary SchoolRalph Waldo Emerson Elem. SchoolLincoln High SchoolJefferson Middle SchoolHuron Academy (grades 3-8)Cromie Elementary SchoolBeck Centennial Elem. SchoolMt. Clemens Montessori AcademyMohawk Elementary SchoolMacomb Math Science Technology CenterAshley Elementary SchoolMiddle School Mathematics Science Technology CenterJack Harvey Elementary SchoolSouth Lake High SchoolDresden Elementary SchoolLean Elementary SchoolNew Haven High SchoolLutz School for Work ExperienceHevel Elementary SchoolHuron AcademySouth Lake Middle SchoolRichmond High SchoolGrissom Middle SchoolFox Elementary SchoolIssac Monfort Elementary SchoolMessmore Elementary SchoolElmwood Elementary SchoolEastpointe High SchoolJohn R. Kment Elementary SchoolCheyenne Elementary SchoolShelby Junior High SchoolBurr Elementary SchoolNew Haven Elementary SchoolHeritage Junior High SchoolIndian Hills Elementary SchoolMarjorie Carlson Elementary SchoolKaiser Elementary SchoolBrowning Elementary SchoolIroquois Middle SchoolL'Anse Creuse Middle School - EastCrescentwood Elementary SchoolFrank Jeannette Junior High SchoolPrinceton Elementary SchoolL'Anse Creuse High School - NorthMarie C. Graham Elem. SchoolOttawa Elementary SchoolMichigan Mathematics And Science Academy LorrainePleasantview Elementary SchoolDavis Junior High SchoolMcKinley Elementary SchoolLottie M. Schmidt Elementary SchoolMay V. Peck Elementary SchoolGlen H. Peters SchoolKennedy Middle SchoolGraebner Elementary SchoolSiersma Elementary SchoolEisenhower High SchoolMark C. Roose Elementary SchoolRoseville High SchoolDakota High SchoolAvalon Elementary SchoolForest Park Elementary SchoolSeminole AcademyPlumbrook Elementary SchoolMiami Elementary SchoolRockwell SchoolBlack Elementary SchoolPrevail AcademyAtwood Elementary SchoolAnchor Bay Middle School NorthCarter Middle SchoolErie Elementary SchoolLakeview High SchoolFlickinger Elementary SchoolAcademy of WarrenFrontier International Academy ElementaryL'Anse Creuse High SchoolHarwood Elementary SchoolAdlai Stevenson High SchoolMemphis High SchoolRichmond Middle SchoolHuron Elementary SchoolL'Anse Creuse Middle School - NorthArmada Continuing Educational CenterAcademy 21New Dawn Academy of WarrenEaton AcademyNoor International AcademyMacomb AcademyClintondale High SchoolArmada Middle SchoolDekeyser Elementary SchoolCousino Senior High SchoolLucile S. Patton Elementary SchoolHolden Elementary SchoolGreat Oaks AcademyClinton Valley Elementary SchoolReach Charter AcademyGreen Acres Elementary SchoolMount Clemens Junior High SchoolMorgan Elementary SchoolMacomb Correctional FacilityCenter Line Preparatory AcademyHarmon Elementary SchoolRichards Middle SchoolLincoln Middle SchoolGreat Oaks Elementary SchoolSequoyah Elementary SchoolGreen Elementary SchoolOrville C. Krause Early Elementary SchoolLake Shore High SchoolSalk Elementary SchoolGreenwood Elementary SchoolMount Clemens High SchoolEastpointe Middle SchoolFitzgerald Senior High SchoolKeith Bovenschen SchoolLincoln Elementary SchoolOakbrook Elementary SchoolCrothers Elementary SchoolNorth Lake High SchoolRomeo High SchoolMasonic Heights Elementary SchoolJoseph G. Steenland Elementary SchoolCherokee Elementary SchoolMichigan Mathematics And Science AcademyDean A. Naldrett SchoolMerritt AcademyEisenhower Elementary SchoolChippewa Valley High SchoolRoberts Elementary SchoolFitzgerald Virtual AcademyBozymowski CenterHavel Elementary SchoolEmma V. Lobbestael Elem. SchoolL'Anse Creuse Middle School - SouthClintondale Middle SchoolLakeview Virtual SchoolDonald J. Yacks Elementary SchoolRomeo Middle SchoolMound Park Elementary School


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